Where are my resolutions: How to get back to sport well?
For this first article of the NOSC.Stories blog, we have decided to tackle an often delicate theme, the resumption of sport, and more particularly of running! This is a subject that many of you wanted to cover, we did it for you.
You spent New Year's Eve a long time ago, but it does not pass, and you drag this demotivation with you. Every week, missed sports sessions and the fitness room loyalty card gather dust in the bin at the entrance. Where are your good resolutions for 2019?
A lack of motivation to resume?
Don't worry, this lack of motivation doesn't just happen to you, and winter is conducive to this kind of more difficult time! The gym doesn't appeal to you, and you're right! There are many solutions to gently resume physical activity, without injuring yourself and regain a desire to put on your running sneakers and go running outside!

- Know that "Do or resume sport" is the second resolution of the French behind losing weight!
- This graph, explained on the Statista website clearly shows us that you are motivated, and that's a good sign!
- So you are not the only ones in this case! Let's see together how to make 2019 a great sporting year!
First, you have to be able to practice the sport you want! What could be more infuriating than getting back seriously and then getting injured, and thus reducing all your efforts to zero because of a bad recovery?
A good recovery is above all knowing how to resume gently, to the extent!
Especially if you start running again, you have to do it gently and first go through a check-up with your doctor, especially if you have been stopped for (too? ;)) a long time. Our advice, we take out the Doctolib directory , we check the best sports doctor in the area, we take out the diary and we reserve the slot! A good check up never hurt anyone.
In sport, everything requires determination. The three Ds: Determination, Availability, Discipline; and success is within reach.
We're not hiding anything from you, it's your brain that decides, everything revolves around your determination to return to sport, and to do it seriously! These 3 D's are very important in your recovery. In addition to wanting it, you have to respect this will, but also be available. But before looking like Kilian Jornet or Jim Walmsley and his legendary stride, there are a few steps to follow. A very good runner performs between 5 and 8 running sessions in the week depending on his availability.

Apart from being a retiree, it is hard to see at NOSC how we could do the same, so we advise you to start with humility. One to two week sessions are more than enough to get back on your feet during your first weeks of recovery! We will discuss in the next articles how to increase your workloads, which sessions to perform to progress and other important subjects in order to have a complete range of solutions for all athletes!
"Variation is the key"
It is indeed essential for your body to vary the sessions and sports so as not to rush it! The more we take care of our machine, the better it will give back to us. So don't hesitate to mix running training with a bike ride, and a weight training and physical preparation session (abs, etc.). Read more here for strengthening sessions.
For example, for the resumption of running, you run on Tuesday 40 min, you will go to the weight room on Thursday for an upper body strengthening session (1 hour max) on Thursday, to finish with a lap in Mountain biking on Sundays with the children. We combine the useful with the pleasant and your 3 well-spaced sessions build the sports week.
A well-shod cobbler?
We repeat it often, being well equipped can save you many problems! Injuries if the wrong shoes, illnesses if underdressed, irritation if the wrong textiles. In short, the list is long and at NOSC we want to avoid all that.
For gym aficionados, you'll have mats, music, and comfort. If you choose this path, be motivated and above all diligent in your cardio, volume and ground sessions! Do not hesitate to take good shoes (we recommend Terre de Running Spode and Distance.Store in Lyon for quality advice). It is also important to equip yourself with textiles with breathable materials to avoid overheating in the room. Take a look at our short-sleeved ranges , perfectly suited to indoor exercise in these conditions.
On the other hand, if you choose the outdoors, do not hesitate to prepare yourself well in order to brave these sometimes difficult winter conditions. It is essential to be equipped to face these sometimes demotivating temperatures for a running outing! Our THERMIQ Winter range and our neck warmers will protect you from the cold and the wind during these difficult sessions.
Martin Collet, NOSC athlete and brand ambassador favors long sleeves as the first layer under the cross-country ski suit.
We drink well, we eat well!
Certain studies carried out in particular by INSEP demonstrate the importance of hydration and nutrition in good athletic performance. So, we take back the basics and we reduce the sugar on our plates, we drink more water with a stainless steel bottle without BPA (#Noplastic) , we leave aside this little chocolate bar during the 4 hours to eat good dried fruits rich in nutrients and energy for your evening run!
Water will also prevent muscle soreness-causing lactic acid from staying in your muscles! So remember to accompany your sessions with appropriate hydration.

Stronger Together!
It rains, the wind picks up and night falls. No one would want to go out for a run at that time! However, you receive a message from Pierre, who asks you what time you meet and where?
Even if you prefer to slump on the sofa in front of Netflix's new multi-choice movie, it's obvious that you can't say no to Pierre, who will be waiting for you in the cold to go for a run. It is therefore not without joy that you take your sneakers and put on your NOSC neck warmer to ward off this cold, and join Pierre!
Moral of this story? It's always better to be several in this mess! So, we find ourselves a good running and motivated group, and we start running together again! We have created a group of motivated runners, we are waiting for you in it;)
Join the TEAM NOSC and participate in the next RUN, discovery, good atmosphere and guaranteed sharing!
As you will have understood, getting back into sport gently is not so easy, but if you are determined and serious, nothing is impossible! So we take stock, we set goals, we find a good group of friends and girlfriends, we team up and we take off!
Not yet in the adventure? Learn more about our endurance race with our sauce here.
Written by Nathan Vitu